Not only did we go to Mexico (read it here, here, here, & here), but we also did a plethora of outdoor fun.
Visiting Four Falls (read about it here), tubing down Cache Creek, relaxing out on the beach, & cooling down in Yuba River were all summertime staples!
Yuba River was a fave in 2010. CJ knew about it, but hadn't actually visited it so we tried it out...
and we fell in love! The cool water was perfect for those 90+ degree weather, the huge rocks all over were great for those who liked to sit out & bathe, and for the adventurous ones, you can hike up the river to be more secluded & the enjoy swimming under huge rocks above.
When we got to the main part of the river (large pool area where most of the visitors enjoyed their day) we would stay and wade around for a few, then we would move up the river...
Relaxing enough to enjoy some yoga.
CJ said he felt a fish brush up on his leg when I took this pic.
Yuba River: a C&A automatic summertime staple!
Our summer time staple list seems to grow & grow.
Now that I am based in Nevada, the list is growing longer and longer!
(One necessary summer staple is an SF Giants game! Yup, I'm working on that.)
Lake Mary was crackin! People were camping (wish I were one of them) & there were a good amount of boats on the lake, all fishing.
Canoedling =)
Lunch on the lake! Turkey sandwich on sourdough (Schats), half a choc chip cookie, pickle, & sea salt chips(TJ)!
This is what I think I do....
This is what I actually do...
& poor CJ picks up the slack! What a good guy!
Check out our video:
Unfortunately, two hours later, no fish were caught & we were pretty much paddling to go against the wind. We returned the boat and decided to move onto better things...