CJ and AUD tubing adventures.
On really hot days (& I'm talking 100+ degree weather) CJ & I like going tubing down Cache Creek river and we especially like going with friends & family.
My first time tubing was summer 2007 and it was a blast!
Of course, CJ bought a "double" tube so that we can ride down together...
Good thing, since everyone kept falling off when hitting the rapids.
Always the gentleman, paddling me down the river (circa 2007)
We try to go every summer when those 100+ days come up and CJ & I are always on the double tube!
One of my favorite memories was when we went with our friend Derek & his brother.
It was pretty much laughs the entire way down.
Last weekend, we went with our friend Steve...
Even though we got there later than we usually do, it was (true story) 110 degrees. Yikes!
Interesting twist, the double tube was inoperable due to CJ losing the plug for the air hole...
So what does that mean?
I, Audrey, went down... alone. (Pause for dramatic effect)
I fell off my tube twice, lost my sunglasses, but had an awesome time.
CJ said I kept giving him heart attacks! On my second fall, I was supposedly "floating about 10 feet down river with my legs above the water & my head underwater" -- Could've sworn it was only a few secs!
Aside from my first time going solo resulting in a ton of bruises, tubing is SO much fun.
This is an old picture, but it's one of my favorites!