Day 5: 06/09/13 Vacation begins NOW
You must be wondering where in the world day 4 went? Did it disappear? Did they not do anything all day long? Does Audrey not know how to count!?
Well, we got married on June 8, 2013 and therefore, I have decided that all things wedding should have it's own epic series... Enter: CJ&AUD WEDDING EDITION -- coming soon (mostly because I need all the pictures first - hehe) so you're going to have to be a little more patient for those gems!
SO, FINALLY!! we're MARRIED! Wahoo!!
and now we can FINALLY join in on the vacation portion of our trip!!
What's the first thing we do? SHOP, of course! Aloha Swap Meet, here we come!! (again)

CJ looking at shirts for friends and family

Cool hat I found. It was pink and green!

Met up with Katie and Carl to shop til we drop!

CJ bought a coconut to quench his thirst while at the stadium!

I got to enjoy a bag of fresh mango (YUMMY!) by myself since CJ is allergic =(
SO, FINALLY!! we're MARRIED! Wahoo!!
and now we can FINALLY join in on the vacation portion of our trip!!
What's the first thing we do? SHOP, of course! Aloha Swap Meet, here we come!! (again)
CJ looking at shirts for friends and family

Cool hat I found. It was pink and green!

Met up with Katie and Carl to shop til we drop!

CJ bought a coconut to quench his thirst while at the stadium!
I got to enjoy a bag of fresh mango (YUMMY!) by myself since CJ is allergic =(
The awesome thing about this coconut stand is that when you're done drinking your coconut, you can bring it back to the stand and she'll open it up for you so you can eat the meat! Winning!!
I took a video of it because she was freaking amazing at it!
Found my favorite family: Mears!
Got this totally cute shot of the cutest boy alive! He was telling his mom he wanted a magnet.
Got a few goodies... This really is the BEST place to get your souvenirs (or other things!)
Our shopping bags! I'm thinking in my head "Oh my, where are we gonna pack this stuff?"
Afterwards, we headed North to go snorkeling at Sharks Cove
Perfect days seem normal around here.
Living the life. CJ was such a great sport driving all over the place
We FINALLY arrived after an unnecessary 30min wait in traffic.
We were supposed to meet up with Trevor, Jackie, and Erick but couldn't find them at first so we set out snorkeling on our own in the little cove.
Katie! I like this shot because you can really see how crystal clear it is!
And here too!! Stupid sharp rocks were NOT fun though.
After some time snorkeling on our own, Erick found us and took us to the real Sharks cove spot.
We LOVE our costco snorkel gear!! BEST investment EVER if you love to travel and snorkel!
Handsome needs to wear sun protection as to not get burnt to a crisp.
Katie getting ready to hop in!
The men: Trevor, Carl, Erick and CJ
Didn't get pics in the water because we didn't have a waterproof case this trip. Bummer!
I TOTALLY swam with a sea turtle! Bucket list checked! I really wish I got a picture with it though.
Afterwards, we had to get Matsumoto's shaved ice. It was TOP of my to-do-eats for Hawaii.
Back-tracking to Waimea.
Amazing view of the mountains in the distance
A long line to get matsumoto's! But TOTALLY worth it!
I scream you scream, we all scream for ice cre.... matsumotos! Yelp it here
Nicool and Jason enjoying their delicious snow-cones!
Jason was the first one that got the Green Tea Special and everyone else wanted it afterwards...
Us in line (we got there a little after everyone else and didn't want to cut in line)
Carl and his Green Tea Special! They were all wondering why there is beans in it and I tried to describe that in the filipino culture we have "dessert beans" too.
Katie with her delish looking snow-cone
Jackie being a pretty model... Work that snow-cone!
Trevor got the condensed milk on top, I decided to get it on mine too...
CJ got the Green Tea Special... and it quickly became his favorite!
Side note: he got his white shirt all dirty and yet he still wore it around... haha such a boy.
On the way back to Waikiki I drove because CJ was wiped out.
When we got home CJ and I took a must-needed nap. (We're getting old, people!)
For dinner we had plans with the Pontillas family at MAC24/7 which is in a hotel down the street from ours. We decided to walk since it was such a nice night out & finding parking is so not worth it.
My blue hawaii drink (with an appearance by Jason's beer & Nicool's drink... I forgot what it was) and CJ's water
Strongest drink ever... Didn't even finish it and was tipsy all the way back to the hotel!
Us and our drinks! yum yum and yum!
I look super asian for some reason...
Nicole modeling her after-sun gel for her hurting body
Update: She TOTALLY tanned from this trip, which she said she never does.. So kudos to you Hawaii sun!
CJ wore this watch even though it wasn't working...
It's a water-resistant watch however it somehow got water damaged.
Shared some delicious pasta with handsome.
Nicool looks amazing in this picture with her beautiful hair & her cute top! I love this pic of these two!
Sad that it's just iPhone quality.
Me and handsome.
yelped MAC24/7 here
Back at our hotel we opened up the gift that CJ's best man, Yee, bought us for our wedding.
Thank you, Yee!! WE LOVE IT & it is in a very special place in our home!!!
At this point it was dawning on us... Only a few more days left in paradise.
Day 1: Click here
Day 2: Click here
Day 3: Click here